Service and maintenance

We have highly qualified personnel to carry out maintenance and overhaul work during scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns of your equipment. For us Service equals to customer friendly, transparent and cost efficient management of our services at a 100% quality leve. - this applies as well to emergency cases.

Our company is licensed by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) to handle ionizing energy-generating radiation and is supervised by internal radiation officers. Welding operations at home and abroad with our own team of experienced welders and pipe fitters as well as assembly tools are standard for us. A supervisor can also be provided on request.

We are also happy to support you with general maintenance and servicing work.
Please contact us.


Hatt Installations AG
Aarauerstrasse 112
CH-5200 Brugg AG



Phone 056 441 10 21
Fax 056 441 01 34

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